Thursday, December 30, 2010

The NOT so interesting truth....

PREFACE: I'm fiercely loyal to those I consider my friend. I'm quick to come to their defense, just like I'm quick to tell them they are making dumb choices or not doing something right. I have opinions, and I don't let anyone keep me from letting them known. I would expect the same from anyone I know. Normally, I honestly couldn't care less what other people on the Internet think of me. I mean, lets get real- how many of you are going to meet me in public? None. So why let it bother me?

With that said.....

When the whole GO drama/Private group drama started, I kept my head out of it. Then it started getting ugly. People started acting down right immature. Rather than approaching the subject with respect and dignity, they turn it into some circus freak show. They started attacking a private group that we were all in, saying we did nothing but talked crap about the main board (which was a lie). They started saying that the GO in question did nothing but talk crap in the group (again, a lie). Then they said they had screen shots of it, which is funny since its a private group. I say bring it, because I know for certain that the GO in question wasn't talking crap. Then a joke thread gets brought in, with not 1, not 2, but 3 GOs of the group. If you know any of the group members or even the context of the group, you would know that the entire thread is a joke. Even if you didn't know the members or the rest of the context, the fact that the thread "plans" were never executed, more than 2 weeks later, should say something. Obviously, the entire thread was a joke, but when you get something that can be twisted, why not twist it?

So someone pasted screen shots of the thread in the main board, knowing it would stir up drama. Not taking into consideration that nothing about it was against guidelines. Not taking into consideration that it was a complete joke. Not taking into consideration that it effected more than just the person they had the vendetta for to begin with.

For the most part, the main board seemed to agree that it was taken out of context, or so it seemed. The original poster of the screen shots wanted to know if it wasn't a big deal, why wasn't anyone defending them or trying to explain them. Unfortunately, that thread was shut down before I was able to respond.

No, I am not concerned with how people view me. Like me or hate me, I honestly don't care. However, the way this whole debacle went about was just malicious and hurtful. It blindsided people that didn't deserve it. If you have an issue with some

It WOULD be stupid to stir up drama on the main board (kind of like what the multiple people who were starting the drama did). It was a joke, nothing more, nothing less. If it were some silly plot, then yeah we should be held accountable and be told to defend ourselves.

So here is the entire thread, in all of its glory. You'll see that it wasn't something serious, but only as a joke, stemming from a thread that was created moons ago when someone called their kid a brat and everyone freaked. Yes dears, you aren't the only one that can copy and paste. Except I will copy and paste EVERYTHING, not just what I see fit.

Note: The group has been shut down (or is in the process of it) because we don't feel like dealing with the drama that certain people bring. I'll refrain from using their names, but I'm sure by now we all know those I'm referring to.

Oh, and please notice that one of the people who decided to do the copy and paste feature is on the thread, and is attempting to stir drama, if that is how you are choosing to look at it.

With that said, I hope you've all learned to remember context before you start judging. I also hope that you remember to question who you are friendly with over the internet. Final word of advice, if you are starting a private group, watch who your members are- some can't be trusted.....remember, Can't Forget Balloons!

1 comment:

  1. Funny how there is NO comments :P

    cool freaking beans!!!!(: hey it's a saying right?
